Outfit of the Week – 5/13/2019

Welcome to my “outfit of the week.” Every once in a while, I’m loving an item or outfit that I put together. Weekly, check in to see the latest upload of an outfit that I’m just feeling myself in. These outfits and pictures will be “real life” – no photo shoots, no amazing backgrounds, no filters (and probably on more than one occasion, no makeup).


Does anyone else have some item of clothing that they’ve owned literally forever and it’s just one of your favorites? For me, that’s a chambray shirt that I bought circa sophomore year in college (2010-2011 timeframe) at Forever 21 for about $21.99. It was when the whole chambray shirt thing was coming out (at least it was new to me) and I wanted to keep up with the styles (obviously). Over time, I’ve washed this thing 500 times and spilled bleach on it, but it’s only made it better! It is softer than ever and the “distressed” look is not just a look.

I was wearing this at work when one of my co-workers told me she’d been looking for a distressed chambray shirt just like that and asked where I got it. I embarrassingly admitted that I’d had it for upwards of 8 years and it looked so distressed because it was pretty old and I’d spilled bleach on it. She was so upset she couldn’t go out and buy it, but thought it was so cool that I’d had it for so long! At that point, I decided that I am actually NOT embarrassed that I STILL own a $22 Forever 21 shirt that has lasted as long as it had and it then became my inspiration for this week’s post.


I’m going to do things a little differently this week since I can’t go back in time and provide a link for this shirt (and did online shopping even exist back then). Instead, I’m going to show you the three different ways that I wore it (all in one day) plus another shoe option that I considered [keep in mind I’m suitcase living my life here!]. I’ve also attached some of my favorite pins with suggestions on how to dress it up or down for any occasion because you literally can’t go wrong with a shirt like this!

Typically my go-to is black pants because I don’t know about you, but I’m not a huge fan of the Canadian Tuxedo look! Dress for work with black jeans with any shoes ranging from your favorite vans, some cute sandals or your favorite booties! Then kick it back when you get home by changing into some black leggings.

Tip – If you have to wear business casual for work (like I do most days), pair it with your favorite colored pencil skirt and a statement necklace!

Other Outfit Ideas ♡

What item of clothing have you owned forever and why is it your favorite?

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