DIY Stool Makeover

If you’ve visited my page before, it should come as no surprise that I’m a girly girl. When asked my favorite color, I’m going to respond that it’s pink glitter. If I’m told that not a real color, this is my response to that…..


My next favorite color is blush…then mint…then rose gold. I know, I’m extra, but it makes me, well, me! So of course when I was decorating my house, black barstools weren’t going to cut it. I had bought these barstools from TJ Maxx in college, so they were due for an upgrade.

I’m crafty, but I don’t always do things by the book. When googling how to paint furniture, there was sanding and staining and painting involved and ain’t nobody got time for that. Instead, I took what I’ll call the “busy girl’s approach.” I used the paint that I already had from painting my house and walls. I used loose glitter and a clear sealant and it worked great! It took less than an hour of work all in (over several days for a busy schedule and full paint dryness) and these bad boys have withstood many butts sitting on them for three years with no issues so far!

Step One

Paint the damn thing!

I used a mint color for the legs and white for the seat. Both of these paints were leftover from painting my walls. It took a couple of coats of white to cover the black, but it wasn’t that difficult. Let this dry COMPLETELY (like overnight or two nights).

Step Two

Add glitter!

I layered on a thick layer of clear paint along the edge of the seat, one edge at a time. I loaded up a thick layer of loose glitter and let it dry, then proceed to the next edge.

Step Three

Add the topcoat and seal it!

Once I had done all four sides with glitter, I painted on another thick layer of clear sealant over the glitter to ensure there was no loose glitter perpetually falling off. After everything dried, I gave it one good shake outside to remove any excess. I also painted the clear sealant over the remainder of the stool.

THAT’S IT! The easy peasy “busy girl’s approach” of beautifying some stools. And those are some damn good looking stools if I do say so myself!

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