SAPPY POST Y’ALL but I’ve been feeling a lot of feelings lately and my guess is that’s similar to a lot of people. I went into this quarantine with a big plan to be productive, eat better, and pick up new hobbies but came out of it (and it’s not even over yet) with depression. Barely able to get myself out of bed in the morning or in the shower, I was in rough shape. I often found myself rolling out of bed before getting on my computer to work (sometimes with video chats) looking like this. WUT WAS I DOING?

My motivation to do anything was completely lacking and I continually choose to do literally nothing over doing anything…over and over. ⠀

Then this picture popped up in my memories this weekend from a year ago and I was really sad.

I worked my butt off for over a year to get healthier and fit. I was eating really well and working out every day. I felt better, had more energy, and was overall happier with my body, which unfortunately I can’t say is true all that much. But just a couple of weeks after I took this, my almost four year relationship ended, I came home from rotation to an empty house and lived alone for the first time, and work was busier and more stressful than ever before. My priorities slipped and I started making really bad choices when it came to eating and being active. ⠀
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But a dear friend reminded me that this picture is just a reminder of what I can accomplish and there is nothing keeping me from doing it again but myself. So yes, it’s a struggle during this quarantine every damn day, but yesterday I committed to myself again. I knocked out my first workout of a new program this morning, I meal prepped for the week last night, and I’m starting this week with a positive attitude and big plans.

Fuck depression.

I’ve got this. You’ve got this. We’ve got this.

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